Without permission-compliant plant operation, a company cannot survive in the long term. However, even classifying a plant in terms of environmental law and clarifying which requirements are associated with the operator requires specialist knowledge that is not sufficiently available in many companies. Professional permit management saves a lot of time and money.
We provide:
• analysis of the current permits of your plant operation
• the creation of a permit register in compliance with specific regulations
• the preparation of an application according to § 4, § 15 or § 16 BImSchG
SRE is your competent contact to German authorities.
The Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) makes far-reaching demands concerning the protection of the environment for obtaining a permit for plant operation. There are extensive other regulations that must be observed in plant operation. The 4th BImSchV, the 12th BImSchV, TA Luft and TA Lärm are just a few examples of essential elements of a permit for the construction and operation of a plant. In order to obtain a legally valid approval, a carefully considered application must be made. Hence, all the important aspects from the BImSchG, the corresponding ordinances and regulations, as well as a competent contact person to the responsible authorities need to be considered. The more detailed an application is formulated, the fewer inquiries can be expected and the faster the application can be processed.
Legal plant operation
In addition to the application itself, permission-compliant operation is an important factor, especially in the light of extensive controls by the competent authorities. In many companies that have not made any changes to the approval of new applications for years but have handled everything in accordance with § 15 BImSchG, the current approval status is completely unclear. This results in the risk of operating the system without authorization. Therefore, we recommend the regular updating of the approval status and the creation and maintenance of a cadastral of the status of the permissions with deadlines.